2016 update; We have an adoptee facebook group called "Association 4 Adoptees" it is a closed group so you will need to send me a member request. The facebook group is an extension of everything I have been doing over the past 20 odd years. WASH has become Association for Adoptees Inc. We are having are now on the stakeholders group that meets with the department of Child Safety to discuss adoption issues, 'past, present and future". It is fantastic to know that adoptees are actively involved in helping to steer, policies and practices of child protection. We as a group are making sure that the mistakes of the past are never repeated here in Australia. If you would like to get involved or wish to contact me for more information please email me Kerri at, kerris.1@bigpond.com we would love to have others come on board. We are looking for adoptees who can fulfill certain roles within the group and if you have any type of skill such as fundraising, marketing, computer skills, we would love to hear from you. If you are keen to have a more public voice you are most welcome to get involved.
Please know; that if you Google WASH, 'white Australian Stolen Heritage' and or my name, 'Kerri Saint adoption' you will find a great deal of information about me and the adoptee groups that I have established and the great work we have done, with some other wonderful adoptees. WASH, has once again become Association for Adoptees Inc, which was originally established in 1983...It feels great to be restored back to our old name.
We truly hope that you can connect with us and find some great new adoptee friends who understand your journey. Please check out our facebook group 'Association 4 Adoptees' and submit a member request. We ask you to do this because we want to keep the group safe, which means when you join you will be cared for very much. I am looking forward to the future and feel positive that adoptees are engaging in helping future generations of children.
Thanking you
Kerri Saint