Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Baby bounty plan

LEGALISED child stealing - that is how Imbil family campaigner Kerri Saint sees new moves to re-introduce forced adoption in Australia.

Only months after parliaments around the country apologised to Australia's stolen white generation for the cruel injustices of a corrupt adoption system, Ms Saint says conservative governments are heading back to the bad old days.

Worst of all is a New South Wales proposal to enact a "bounty" system of paying adoption agencies up to $37,000 for every child they can produce for adoption. For the full story, see:


  1. It is so sad to know that the government has not kept there promise of "no more forced adoptions" over the past few weeks adoptees have declined in their mental health, their trust and faith in the government and services set up to help them are sadly now under a dark cloud. Many adoptees are not stating that they feel used by some of these services re; that they used adoptees and mothers to gain information via our stories and pain, to understand the pit falls so as to help make adoption better than what they did in the past. One adoptee told me she has felt like a test case and used and abused, spat out for their own means and end. Whether this is true or not I am not sure, but what I do know is education is now more important than ever. If each adoptee recognizes that their life journey is a book of education for professionals and understand how valuable and precious their life is then each of us have a chance to help protect future victims of forced adoption. We can help them navigate better there adoption experience and even help them to never experience the sense of hopelessness and loneliness we have felt all our life. As educators we have the power to help save and change lives and shed light in the area's of adoption that were once so secret and misunderstood. Adoptees today have a wonderful role to play where once we were told that we do not have a voice. Today we are speaking up more than ever. We can only become more vocal and stronger. I look forward to my role as an educator, helping my fellow adoptees now and into the future, please join me as your voice is most welcome.


Thank you for your comments. Your voice is heard. We will review it and publish it shortly.